GBFund (ジービーファンド、G:芸術、B:文化、F:復興/ファンド)は、 2011年3月23日に企業メセナ協議会が立ち上げた芸術・文化による復興支援ファンドです。趣旨に賛同くださった寄付者とともに、今後5年間、被災者・被災地を応援する目的で行われる芸術・文化活動や、被災地の有形無形の文化資源を再生する活動を支援してまいります。

Six months since the Disaster, more cultural support needed

Six months have passed since the greatest earthquake and tsunami on record struck eastern Japan. The Disaster killed 15,781 people, 4,086people are still missing and more than 6,000 people are still forced to live like refugees (as of 10 Sep).
In March, Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai(KMK: the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts)established the Earthquake Restoration Fund called “GBFund” which promotes recovery support activities through the arts and culture, and a total of  34,601,455 yen  in donation has made so far.  Thanks to this donation, GBFund could have supported 61 activities from a cultural standpoint with 30,179,489 yen .
Overall relief efforts now move from the initial stage of emergency rescue efforts and assistance for basic human needs such as food and shelter to the stage of focusing on sustainable recovery and rebuilding communities.   KMK believes that culture is closely connected with the fundamental part of the human condition in every aspect of people’s life (see the resume PDF:188KB). That special linkage can be leveraged to make support for recovery efforts in next stage for more effective. Damage wrought by the disaster could be the loss of “diverse local cultures”.  Diverse local cultures have developed over hundreds of years in the devastated regions, and restoring those cultures can help affected communities recover mentally and emotionally.

KMK hopes that more and more people would kindly extend a helping hand to GBFund to support recovery efforts through the arts and culture, and the rescue of tangible and intangible cultural properties. Immediate goal of GBFund is 100, 000,000 and KMK continues to commit myself to make it happen.

