GBFund (ジービーファンド、G:芸術、B:文化、F:復興/ファンド)は、 2011年3月23日に企業メセナ協議会が立ち上げた芸術・文化による復興支援ファンドです。趣旨に賛同くださった寄付者とともに、今後5年間、被災者・被災地を応援する目的で行われる芸術・文化活動や、被災地の有形無形の文化資源を再生する活動を支援してまいります。

Report: Funding Meeting "US-Japan Cooperation on Supporting the Japan Disaster Response"

Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai (KMK:Association for Corporate Support of the Arts) joined the delegation visit of Japanese NGO Leaders to New York (July 19–22) to attend the Funding Meeting US-Japan Cooperation on Supporting the Japan Disaster Response.

▼KMK presentation
Current Status of Recovery Efforts in Arts & Culture(PDF:188KB)

▼Organizers' report
JCIE(Japan Center for International Exchange)
Delegation visit of Japanese NGO Leaders to New York (July 19–22)
Funding Conference on Supporting the Japan Disaster Response (July 21)
- Public Forum: Voices from the Ground—Civil Society Reports from Japan (July 21)

CGP(Japan Foundation-Center for Global Partnership)

- Program Report: Funding Meeting: US-Japan Cooperation on Supporting the Japan Disaster Response
- Program Report: Voices from the Ground - Civil Society Reports from Japan

Philanthropy New York
- Philanthropy New York Roundtable: “Voices from the Frontlines: Japan's Civil Society Response to the 3/11 Disasters”(July 21)