
・公益社団法人企業メセナ協議会「東日本大震災 芸術・文化による復興支援ファンド」
≫ http://www.mecenat.or.jp/
・Artists’ Action for JAPAN
≫ http://aa4j.org/
・Japan Art Donation
≫ http://japanartdonation.org/
≫ http://www.39art.com/
On behalf of Tokyo Wonder Site I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy and condolences to those who have been adversely affected by the Tohoku Area Pacific Offshore Earthquake.
Although much remains unclear, the Japanese people have begun to move forward. The art world, too, has risen up, initiating efforts to support recovery through the power of art. Artists have begun collecting donations and working to establish funds to send artists to the affected areas.
What art can do may be limited at this early stage in the recovery process, but we do believe that art is capable of lighting a small flame of hope.
Over the years, we have seen how art encourages people and gives them hope. During the long, difficult path that lies before us—one leading to the recovery of both the affected areas and our society—TWS will continue to pursue its activities confident in the power of art and culture to sustain the human spirit.
This unprecedented disaster, including the nuclear power plant issue, has had a huge impact, calling into question our fundamental views on society and the world. Rebuilding the affected areas will also be a process of rebuilding our society.
The power of art that has arisen through efforts to confront the human condition can surely be a great driving force for those seeking to rebuild their society. We must break free from the modern, economy-driven spiral of expansion and learn from history as we create a new, more spiritual world.
Yusaku Imamura
Director, Tokyo Wonder Site
Counselor on Special Issues to the Governor
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
[Some of the Reconstruction Support Projects through Art have already been lunched.]
・Association for Corporate Support of the Arts "The Northeast Japan Earthquake Restoration Fund"
→ http://www.mecenat.or.jp/english/e_index.html
・Artists’ Action for JAPAN
→ http://aa4j.org/
・Japan Art Donation
→ http://japanartdonation.org/
≫ http://www.39art.com/
公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 トーキョーワンダーサイト|150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前5-53-67 コスモス青山SOUTH 棟3F
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site
COSMOS Aoyama SOUTH 3F 5-53-67 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001
TEL +81- (0) 3-5766-3732|FAX +81- (0) 3-5766-3742|E-mail: contact@tokyo-ws.org|URL: http://www.tokyo-ws.org
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site
COSMOS Aoyama SOUTH 3F 5-53-67 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001
TEL +81- (0) 3-5766-3732|FAX +81- (0) 3-5766-3742|E-mail: contact@tokyo-ws.org|URL: http://www.tokyo-ws.org